Emergency Radio and TV Testing
Invitation for Emergency Radio and TV testing
Tagish and Haines Junction Yukon On March 10, 2015 between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm Pacific daylight savings time Yukon Emergency Measures Organization will be conducting two live to air broadcast intrusive tests of the Yukon Emergency Public Alerting System in Tagish and Haines Junction, Yukon in conjunction with CFET 106.7 FM Tagish, YT and CJHJ 99.9 FM Haines Junction, YT.
If you are listening to these radio station during that time period and hear the test message, please contact Yukon EMO at emo.yukon@gov.yk.ca (mailto:emo.yukon@gov.yk.ca) with your comments and feedback on the test messages.
Information on clarity of the test message, clarity of the alert tone, etc. is good feedback. Thank-you. Community members, first responders and media are invited to participate in this emergency alerting project.
When: March 10, 2015 11:00 – 13:00 Pacific
Where: Tagish Community Centre – 1km east of Tagish bridge Haines Junction Convention Centre – Village of Haines Junction Municipal office
Please join us over lunch at both these locations while the test alerts are issued.
Emergency Alerting Dash Board

OpenBroadcaster obplayer CAP alert overlay
Skip to time = 32:30 OpenBroadcaster at CBC North TV – Yellowknife NT