Technical Advisory – Software Updates
When there are new software updates, a Technical Advisory explaining what they are, will be sent to manually update installations. Critical security updates will be sent out immediately.
Latest Version 4.1.2-20160506
Please ensure your installation is current with these important updates
– Improved “line in” quality playback.
– Fixed geocodes setting to allow spaces between commas.
– Show version and check for updates button in dashboard.
– “Error” messages are Red. “Alert” messages are Magenta in status log.
– Live Assist Mode has updated RTP and local streamer to use a jitter buffer.
– Database optimizations to resolve performance issues on player/server sync.
– Revise password hashing algorithm to bring up to current security standards.
– Update media detection system to use libav-tools/avprobe rather than python/gstreamer; provides better media detection, junk filtering and reduces the number of dependencies.
– Report invalid media before entering metadata (before save).
– Updates script for new dbclean.sql (updates running in wrong order).
Mechanical Relay
This accessory works to provide a mechanical relay for injecting emergency alerts into the broadcast chain balanced XLR cable or onboard audio. Analog audio output from the Alert Player at your studio is hooked into this relay that mechanically switches sources for output to the transmitter using the DB9 RS232 GPIO Trigger. No Latency or 1/2 second delay. In the event of power failure to Alert Box, signal from source continues to play through by default. Maintains clean audio signal from source to transmitter, independently of Alert Box. Made in Canada