Faced with a serious decline in the number of speakers of the indigenous Nuxalk language, the Nuxalk Nation of Q’umk’uts’ (Bella Coola, British Columbia) decided that it needed to significantly increase the presence of the Nuxalk language in the lives of its membership. Establishing a radio station to broadcast Nuxalk language content was identified as a key strategy to help preserve and promote the threatened language.
In 2013, the Nuxalk Nation contacted OpenBroadcaster to help set up a radio station in the community. Out of this collaborative initiative sprung CKNN Nuxalk Radio – 91.1 FM, a not-for-profit community radio station that is operated by volunteers, and managed by the Nuxalk Radio Committee. Nuxalk Radio uses the OpenBroadcaster platform to run its service, including management of precious Nuxalk language media assets.
To date, Nuxalk Radio has been very successful in ensuring that a significant amount of its broadcast schedule is dedicated to educating listeners about Nuxalk language, history and culture. In addition to advancing its language preservation mission, the station also helps to promote community events such as the annual Bella Coola Music Festival, which the station broadcasts live.
The Nuxalk Nation‘s initiative to establish CKNN Nuxalk Radio has been a great success in helping to preserve and promote the threatened Nuxalk language. It has also provided a platform for the community to connect with and celebrate its culture.
Read the Interview with Manager of Nuxalk Radio in Bella Coola, BC.